List of Schools in Paarl

Here is a list of schools and a list of special needs schools.

1. Al-azhar Institute
2. Alfons Prim
3. Amstelhof Prim
4. Bergendal Sskv Primer
5. Boland Landbouskool
6. Charleston Hill Prim
7. Charleston Hill Sek
8. Courtrai Prim
9. Dal Josaphat Prim
10. Dalweide Prim
11. Groenheuwel Paarl
12. Desmond Mpilo Tutu Sec
13. Drakenstein Prim
14. Ebenezer Prim
15. Gimnasium Hs (paarl)
16. Gimnasium Prim
17. Groenheuwel Prim
18. Groenheuwel Paarl
19. Heritage House
20. Hoer Jongenskool Paarl
21. Ihlumelo Jun Sek
22. Imboniselo Prim
23. Kersboslaagte Sskv Prim
24. Klein Nederburg Sek
25. Lk Zeeman Prim
26. La Rochelle Girls Prim
27. Hoog-en-droog Paarl
28. La Rochelle Meisies Hs
29. Labori Hs
30. Langabuya Prim
31. Magnolia Prim
32. Mary Help Of Christians Prim
33. Mbekweni Prim
34. Nederburg Prim
35. New Orleans Prim
36. New Orleans Sek
37. Nieuwe Drift Prim
38. Nondzame Prim (sa)
39. Noord-eind Prim
40. Noorder-paarl Sek
41. Orleansvale Prim
42. Vrykyk Paarl
43. Paarl Boys’ Prim
44. Hoog-en-droog Paarl
45. Paarl Girls Hs
46. Hoog-en-droog Paarl
47. Paarlzicht Prim
48. Paulus Joubert Prim
49. Paulus Joubert Sek
50. Ronwe Prim
51. Simond Privaatskool
52. Simondium Prim
53. Slot Van Die Paarl Prim
54. Sonop Prim
55. Tertia Theron Privaatskool
56. Vrykyk Paarl
57. The Oaks Preparatory School And College
58. Vrykyk Paarl
59. Wa Joubert Prim
60. William Lloyd Prim
61. Windmeul Prim

Special Needs School
1. Heritage House
2. Paarl School of Skills
3. Boland School for Autism
4. Ligstraal School
5. Wellington Youth Care Centre


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